Deformace has its own XML format for input data (basic module). Its definition follows W3C recommendations.
XML input format syntax
Syntax is defined by DTD (Definice Typu Dokumentu) at following address :
Description of XML syntax
Root element is <surveying>.
Deformace is supposed to be just one task later so element <task> is obligatory-
element <task> has one obligatory parameter id , serving to describe kind of task.
for DEFORMACE use: <task id=”deformace”>
<task id="deformace">
Inside element <task id=”deformace”> all data needed for run of application are specified Sub-root element is <deformation> with two attributes - datum is optional attribute serving to define coordinate reference system. Possible values are at the end of this page. If it is not specified it is possible to specify it later interactively from menu during data input. Second attribute version serves to keep information about DTD version (present value is „1.02“).
element <deformation> has optional element <description> describing the net
optional element <parameters> for parameters of grid and interpolation. If not specify, application will use pre-set values.
obligatory element <points-observations> for coordinates and their increments (at least three).
Element <description> contains 4 elements, all of them optional, serving to keep description and notes:
element <title> - title of task, e.g. Network-01
element <date> - date of measurements
element <area> - description of area
element <note> - any other notes
Element <parameters> contains two obligatory elements: <grid> serves for parameters of grid and element <interp> for parameters of interpolation:
element <grid> contains two element. At least one is obligatory. It is needed either to fill number of grid rows in element <lines> or size of grid cell in metres in <step>
element <interp> is empty element. As attributes in contains parameters of interpolation. They have preset values which can be changed:
circle – preset value "2" – Circle radius given in number to multiple grid cell size.
filter – preset value "2" – Number of points to fall into circle for interpolation to begin.
oextrap – preset value "3" – Extrapolation inside.
iextrap – preset value "3" – Extrapolation outside.
maxiter – preset value "99" – Maximal number of iterations allowed.
precision – preset value "0.100" – Required precision of interpolation.
Element <points-observations> contains main data for computation of deformation analysis – point coordinates of given points, their id and increments. It is possible to give point by either set of two coordinates („old“ and „new“, from two epochos of measurements) or by coordinates and two elements.
element <points-observations> contains at least three elements <point>
element <points-observations> has two attributes, unit with preset value „ m “ and attribute ptype with value either full , with meaning full epoch coordinate, or value increment , meaning that increments of coordinates will be given.
each element <point> has id attribute for point number and inside has optional element type (type of point: e.g. base, determinated)
element <point> contains 5 elements: <type><xo><yo><xn><yn> for 1st epoch (old) and 2nd epoch (new) coordinates, elements <xn><yn> are optional.
Input data from one or two files
One input XML file: Element <point> is possible to fill either by „old“ and „new“ coordinates or by „old“ coordinates and their increments.
Two input XML files: element <point> can have only coordinates <xo><yo>. Coordinates from second epoch give into same elements of second file. Application will match points according to their ID and count increments.
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